LUNA TIDES Productions
Luna Tides Productions is a South Wales based creative agency specialising in video, audio and design. They have worked with companies such as SKY and NowTV to create all forms of video content.
The film industry, like all other industries, contributes to the release of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, into the atmosphere. Much of the environmental impact of the industry goes unreported but it has been estimated that blockbuster films produce an average of 2,840 tonnes of CO2 per production, the equivalent to the amount absorbed by 3,700 acres of forest in one year. Luna Tides Productions are working to produce films with as little environmental impact as possible.

Through the Innovation Net Zero Programme, Luna Tides Productions are receiving support to develop their sustainability plans and work towards accreditation. Innovation Strategy are also providing support by going through business plans and in raising further funding to enable Luna Tides Productions to continue working towards net zero.
To read more about Luna Tides Productions and the work they are doing head to their website.