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Identifying finance and funding

We use our knowledge of funding and extensive network of funding organisations and investors to identify funding and finance to support research and development projects. 

Our Approach

We have secured over £17.9 million research and innovation funding for businesses, universities and public sector. 

There are a number of funding and financing options for organisations across all sectors, ranging from research and innovation funding from organisations like Innovate UK to private investment from investment angels. We identify and help you to access the appropriate funding opportunities to help you and your organisation innovate and grow. Our team keep a close eye on available and upcoming funding opportunities and can provide advice on the schemes that will best help you achieve your goals.

Take a look at the Funding section of our website where you will find more information on the latest funding calls from organisations such as Welsh Government and Innovate UK as well as regional grants and schemes to support your business.

Dr Mohamed Maher, Director, Balsamee

Innovation Strategy helped us secure funding to advance our solution, their approach has been fundamental to the growth of our business. 

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