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Innovation Strategy secures SPF funding for four projects across Mid and South Wales        

Innovation Strategy have worked to successfully secure UK Shared Prosperity funding for four different projects across Mid and South Wales to support the Levelling Up agenda, stimulate innovation and productivity growth. The projects also align to the Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) and local policies in the respective local authorities of Ceredigion, Powys, Carmarthenshire, and the Vale of Glamorgan. 


The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is investing in communities and place, supporting local businesses, and people and skills to level up opportunity and prosperity across the UK. UKSPF interventions are planned and delivered by councils and mayoral bodies across the UK to invest in areas that matter to the localities.


Through these projects Innovation Strategy are creating jobs and boosting community cohesion, through investments that build on existing industries and institutions and range from support for stating businesses to local retail, hospitality, and leisure sector facilities.  The projects also promote networking and collaboration through interventions that bring together business partners with and across sectors to share knowledge and stimulate innovation. The targeted support for Welsh SMEs to undertake new-to-firm innovation and adopt greener technologies and techniques provided through the projects increases private sector investment to further promote growth. 

Carmarthenshire and the Vale of Glamorgan have chosen to use UKSPF to fund Innovation Net Zero. Developed and delivered by Innovation Strategy this novel programme supports local businesses to research and develop net zero concepts. Businesses are able to access fully funded support from the expert partnership behind the programme including the project leaders Innovation Strategy, BT and Afallen. 


Innovation Strategy also secured funding for the second round of the Mid Wales Challenge-Led Launchpad in Ceredigion, focusing on novel innovations for rural health and wellbeing. Run in collaboration with AberInnovation the programme supports 12 businesses to grow whilst working to solve public sector and societal issues. 


Innovation Strategy secured funding to run a second round of Project ReValue, this time in Powys. The programme is working to create a circular economy through providing fully funded support for local businesses to monetise their waste streams. With support from ArcitekBio and AberInnovation Innovation Strategy are supporting business growth in the region and promoting a circular economy. The project closely aligns to Growing Powys and Growing Mid Wales objectives.

For further information on ongoing and past programmes head to our programmes and case studies pages.

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